Centrale idroelettrica sul Po, Casale Monferrato (AL)

15 Jan
centrale idroelettrica sul po
CATEGORY Environment and Territory
TIPOLOGY Geotechnical Engineering; Hydraulic Engineering; Renewable energy
PROJECT Hydroelectric power plant on the Po River
PLACE Casale Monferrato (AL)
YEAR 2017-2019
DERIVED WATER FLOW RATE Max:120.000 l/s; Average: 72,140 l/s
STATUS comoleted

The derivation of the water flow rate to the lateral intake work on the left bank was ensured by a movable weir crossbar consisting of a tubular inflatable water-filled structure of rubberized fabric laid on a reinforced concrete slab.

The intake work was obtained by digging an artificial channel that originates immediately upstream of the cross-river, runs parallel to the river bank, deepening downstream until it reaches the central room, which is completely buried belowed the food plain that now house the production units and electromechanical equipment. The in-river return channel was realized downstream of the central room. The containment works of the excavations that reach 13,50 m in depth at the central room, consist of reinforced concrete tensioned diaphragms

The internal structure was made of reinforced concrete. The operation of the inflatable tubular weir is based on the communicating vessels principle. In communication with an underground water-filled well, it ensures the deriìvation of the flow until the water level upstream of the crossbar reaches the maximum authorized elevation, beyond which it decreases under the water pressure surmounting it making itself transparent to the flow so as not to cause flooding phenomena.

The barrage reaches a longitudinal development of nearly 200 m so it represents the biggest derivation work ever built in the world with this technology.

Among the complementary works, it is worth mentioning the ascending “staircase” for the ichtyofauna and the canoes passage ramp.

The project was carried out in collaboration with STA Engineering, who was responsible for the design of the environment recovery works, of site safety during the design and the execution, and of the care and management of the administrative requirements.

Watch the videos of the construction of the new hydroelectric plant.:

video 1

video 2

video 3
